Sunday, July 10, 2016



Primary Data examples:

Data collected by a student for his/her thesis or research project.

In movies, the hero is directly told by the heroine that he is her "ideal man".

Secondary Data examples:

Census data being used to analyze the impact of education on career choice and earning. 

In movies, the hero reads a fictional account of the heroine's "ideal man" (written in a newspaper) that seems to describe him accurately
Or he seeks confirmation from his friends, concluding that he is her "ideal man". 
He never asks her directly, but assumes the "facts" are correct).

Qualitative Data examples

Freshman Class

- Friendly demeanors
- Civic minded
- Environmentalists
- Positive School Spirit

Quantitative Data examples:

Freshman Class

- 672 students
- 394, girls, 278 boys
- 68% on honor roll
- 150 students accelerated in mathematics

Discrete Data examples:

- Number of children in a household
- Number of languages a person speaks
- Number of people sleeping in stats class

Continuous Data examples:

- Height of children
- Weight of cars
- Time to wake up in the morning
- Speed of the train


From the following information, distinguish whether it is:
i) quantitative or qualitative, 
ii) discrete or continuous data,
iii) primary and secondary data.

a)      The number of students in Cosmopolitan college in the year of 2012
b)     The size of shoes from National Diploma in Computer Studies for intake 2
c)      The height of people in Brunei
d)    An interview with two homeless person
e)      The color of car passing by my house
f)       The weight of babies
g)    An interview with the head of a homeless shelter
h)      The body shop perfume fragrances
i)     An interview with a sociology professor who teaches a course that explores the problem of        
j)        BDTVEC grading system (e.g. grade A, grade B, etc)
k)       The number of Brunei population in the year of 2011
l)        The brands of car sold in Brunei
m)    Statistics on the number of homeless in New York state from the state census office
n)      The number of voters that vote for Hairi as a president for Student Committee for CCCT in      
               the year of 2012.

      Try it yourself! 


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